Task 2: D1 (U20): Discuss the legal and ethical constraints within the planned campaign.

When planning an advertising campaign, there typically comes legal and ethical constraints. An ethical issues within the 'Fizzwizzard' campaign could be that we are are promoting and advertising a fizzy drink to teenagers. This could be an issue because fizzy drinks are typically seen as being unhealthy and fattening due to them being full of things that are bad for your health, including sugar. Fizzy drinks are usually seen as being purchased and consumed by young people, so this issue applies to this campaign because one of our target audience's are of young people aged 13-18 years old. However, this issue has been resolved because 'Fizzwizzard' is a sugar free soft drink that only contains natural colourings and flavourings. Due to the stereotypes of fizzy drinks, it's important to include these points on our adverts and make them stand out so people are aware that this fizzy drink isn't like all others and isn't too unhealthy. By pointing these out, more people are likely to get involved and purchase this drink because it's unique and isn't full of sugar like other fizzy drinks, so people won't feel so guilty about consuming it. By including the points of it being sugar free etc, it could help reduce the stereotype of teenagers consuming fizzy drinks filled with sugar.

A potential legal issue could be of copy right issues. By using someone else's sound, images, photographs or videos, you would be going against the Copyright, Designs & Patents Act 1998. To ensure this doesn't happen within our campaign, all images and photographs will be of our own and taken ourselves, although if anything occurs, causing us to use someone else's images or photographs, we will ask and get permission for this. It's important to gain this permission before just taking these images from someone else as you can face fines and being sued if you go against this law, which is why if our campaign needs to use someone else's images or photographs, we will gain permission before doing so.

Within the campaign, through advertising, it's important that all information is correct. It's important libelous statements aren't made as this is against the law and is falsely advertising the drink. This could occur in the advertising of the campaign, if you were to include false statements or facts about the drink to possibly make it sound more interesting or healthy. This could occur if people think that including certain facts draws in more people and will lead to more people to get involved, making the campaign and drink more popular. If you make false statements, this can lead to many complications, including misleading customers and could lead the campaign to possibly being sued. This won't occur within our advertising as all information provided on each advert has come from the client brief, in which Carter Soft Drinks has stated the facts about the new Fizzwizzard drink, which have been exactly copied and not changed when producing the adverts. It's important that throughout each advert, that these facts stay put, and if any changes are made to the Fizzwizzard drink, that the customers and the public are aware and known of these changes straight away, so we aren't advertising false information.

When advertising, and displaying these ads on websites etc, it's important to gain permission before doing so. This is because you are using someone else's website to advertise your own product on. For the Fizzwizzard advertising campaign, we will have to get permission from the people and companies necessary. This includes; the websites we will be advertising our banner ads on, social media companies for our social media ads, and permission to be able to put up posters on display in public places. When we gain this permission to be able to put up our ads, it's important to also check about there possibly being a timeframe, because if there is, then the ads need to be taken down before this consent ends. If you don't gain permission, you can be fined and obviously the ads will have to be taken down. To ensure this doesn't  happen within our campaign, we will make sure we gain this permission from each relevant people and companies before putting up our adverts. We will also make sure it's clear that we are known of any timeframes for this permission, and will stick to these, so we don't keep our adverts up for longer than the permission is given. 


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