M3 D2 (U20): Create production materials to be used in the original media product



A logo is important as it's the 'identity' of the brand and helps people remember it for other times they may see an advert from them. In the poster, I have included the logo in the bottom corner, so it is still there without taking the attention off other things.

A logo is a combination of text and visual imagery that serves two purposes. It tells people the name of the company and it creates a visual symbol that represents your business. This is why the logo used in this campaign is of an image of a strawberry, with the text of 'Phizzwizzard' across it. This allows people to know straight away of the flavour of the drink, and the name so they can remember and look out for it.


Posters tend to have very little text so it's more encouraging for people to look at, as it's a very easy and simplistic design, and  if it was too 'crowded' and 'busy', people may be put off and less likely to read and become involved in. With this poster, there is only a title and basic information about the flavourings and colourings. I haven't included a slogan as these typically take the attention off the image of the drink.


Posters are typically eye-catching due to the use of a large image taking up the majority of the poster. This is why in my poster, the Phizzwizzard can is taking up the majority of the space, as this is what you want people to see first and stand out amongst everything else. Although the can isn't central, the text around it is smaller and all one colour, so it's likely people will look at the can first and then read the information around it. The use of the can being larger than everything else, shows people of what the poster is about and what they are purchasing, which in this case is a fizzy drink. 

Choice of content and typography

I have decided to have a cartoon image of the Phizzwizzard can as this helps appeal to the younger audience. This also helps in the design of the poster, in keeping it simplistic and easy to read. All text used is in a basic font, and a size that is appropriate and easy to read, so this makes the customers more likely to get involved as it's simple and quick to read. Due to posters needing to stand out, I have used bright colours that are eye-catching and will draw people's attention to the poster. The text is to the right of the can, as it allows the drink to stand out, but also enables people to see the text and read it after looking at the can.


Posters tend to be quite basic as they need to be easily read and understood by people, especially due to the target audience being quite broad. A poster sums up the product/company as a whole, without it looking too 'busy' and leading people to becoming lost and confused within it. The layout is simple with the bold image and simplistic, minimum text around it. This helps people understand the poster and leads to more people being likely to look and become involved within this campaign. The text around it is important for people to know and is encouraging as it's showing the good points of the drink, such as it being sugar free. 

Banner ad:


Although a logo is beneficial, I didn't include one in this banner ad as I wanted to keep it simplistic and easy to read. Instead, I include the 'Carter Soft drinks', as this helps people to still recognise the campaign and know who they are and that they are reliable.


A slogan is useful in engaging an audience and drawing them in. This is why i've included a slogan in this ad, as it links to the drink and the fact it's a fizzy drink, but also helps to get people's attention. This slogan helps people to know the drink is uplifting and brings positive and happy vibes when you purchase and consume it. This slogan is in the centre of the ad, so it helps it to stand out and is typically what people will see/read first. 


I have included the image of the can so people recognise it, and by doing this, it helps them to find out more about the drink, such as the fact it's strawberry flavoured. Although the image isn't central, it still stands out due to it being of a large size and is of colours that are bold and stand out. 

Choice of content and typography

I have again chosen to use a cartoon image of the can so it's aimed for the younger generation too. The colours of purple/pink and red, help to make the advert stand out due to the bold, strong colours. The slogan is of a larger text so it stands out and the font used is easy to read, but also links to the drink  being interested and is a font typically seen on things aimed for young adults. 


Banner ads tend to be quite basic and simpsitic, so it's eye-catching and easy for people to know what it's about. The 'buy now' is included in the corner to allow people to access more information and potentially purchase the drink. I have kept the text, drink and 'buy now' very simple, so people are more likely to look at it and read it. By keeping the layout and content simplistic, it allows people to understand and know what the ad is about as soon as they see it.



I believe my poster advert has met the client brief. The client brief explains that the flavour of the drink is of strawberry laces, which is why in the advert, I have identified the fact the flavour is of strawberry laces, by the use of text and the imagery of strawberries. The client brief also stated for the drink to be sold in cans, and this is displayed on the advert so this makes it obvious to people of what the drink will look like, such as the fact it's a can, and this can help them find it in shops and when purchasing.  

The client brief explains that the drink is to be aimed at a retro audience of 30-something and a major audience of young people aged 13-18. The advert is aimed at these two audiences as the design is simple and engaging and the use of the health benefits such as it being sugar free, could draw in more people, especially those of an older age who understand the importance of health. I have included the natural  colourings and flavourings in the advert as this can also help in engaging the older target audience. 

This advert is an outdoor advert, so it also aims at the target audience as they are typically people who will be travelling and using public transport, so if this advert is placed in places like this, people are more likely going to see it. As well as this, to reach the target audiences, I have used bold, eye-catching colours to help them notice the adverts and allow people to be more intrigued and involved.  

Banner ad 

This banner advert also meets the client brief. It is very likely to reach the two target audience's as people of these ages typically are on their phones a lot so this banner ad will pop up on websites used by them. The can has been displayed on a large scale as banner ads tend to be quite small, so this allows the can to stand out, and also allows people to know the drink is sold in a can. As well as this, the bold colours help the advert to stand out and become eye-catching. This makes it more engaging and more likely for people to notice it and read more/purchase their own can. 

To get the two target audiences more involved, I have also included a slogan as these help to engage people and can make the advert seem more uplifting and positive. The use of the font used on the advert helps to aim at the older generation as it's not so basic/simple but still easy to read and understand. 

I have chosen to use a cartoon image of the can so it helps aim to the younger generation too. The colours of purple/pink and red help to make the advert stand out due to the bold, strong colours. This allows the advert to stand out on a website page.  

Both my adverts meet the client brief as they both stand out and include things that help them reach the two target audiences on the brief. The important facts of it being sugar free etc are also included so people can see the health out of it and how it is unique and different to other drinks. 


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