When planning an advertising campaign, there typically comes legal and ethical constraints. An ethical issues within the 'Fizzwizzard' campaign could be that we are are promoting and advertising a fizzy drink to teenagers. This could be an issue because fizzy drinks are typically seen as being unhealthy and fattening due to them being full of things that are bad for your health, including sugar. Fizzy drinks are usually seen as being purchased and consumed by young people, so this issue applies to this campaign because one of our target audience's are of young people aged 13-18 years old. However, this issue has been resolved because 'Fizzwizzard' is a sugar free soft drink that only contains natural colourings and flavourings. Due to the stereotypes of fizzy drinks, it's important to include these points on our adverts and make them stand out so people are aware that this fizzy drink isn't like all others and isn't too unhealthy. By pointing these out, ...